Ayurveda known as the ancient Indian system of medicine is the oldest system of medicine in this world. Literally meaning science of life, it has been a way of life in ancient India.
The concept of dosha, which forms the basic principle in the ayurvedic treatment of a disease, is unique and aims at maintaining the equilibrium of the body to fight against the disease. In other words, a body where the doshas are in its equilibrium is healthy.
Ayurveda or the science of life finds its roots deep in the Vedas and has its links in the Atharvaveda, one of the four ancient Hindu religious doctrines. The theory of tridosha which ayurveda embarks upon is unique and emphasizes a holistic approach in the treatment of ailments.
Ayurvedic medicine is gaining popularity in the recent years and finds recognition in its efficacy to cure many chronic ailments like arthritis, skin diseases, nervous disorders, etc. The popularity of Ayurveda is also a factor for the increasing number of tourists to visit India, who are fascinated by the different kinds of oil treatments, massages, panchakarma and other health regimen.
Ayurvedic medicines are generally made from natural herbs, shrubs, trees, and natural salts and minerals and are free from major side reactions.
For Details about Ayurvedic Medicines
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